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Experiencing Amazing Transformation

Kimberly S.

Kimberly S. Profile Photo


I remember looking in the mirror, and not being able to recognize my own face. I didn’t have any physical make-up on. I was wearing so much emotional make-up, I truly couldn’t tell who the person was that was looking back at me. In life, we get so caught up in: pleasing our flesh, pleasing other people, and becoming the puppet people want us to be. After we’ve done all this changing for them, they move on to the next person. I’m here to tell you that, you don’t have to be a people pleaser, nor do you have to give into pleasing your flesh. Those things won’t and doesn’t define who you really are. God gave me Experiencing Amazing Transformations to tell my story and be transparent in it. “My truth” Often times, our truth does not look or feel good, and looking through someone else’s eyes, they don’t see your story like you do, but it’s your experience not theirs. By coming together, we can overcome and be the best versions of ourselves. I pray that E.A.T. helps you become more open and honest about what you're going through. I also pray that E.A.T allows you to celebrate your victories no matter how big or small because you deserve those moments. I pray E.A.T helps you stay encouraged. This is the time to celebrate yourselves when no one else will. Lastly, I Pray that E.A.T leaves you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and empowered from the steps of how to get through the good times and the bad times. So, come and listen to E.A.T!